Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Double Trouble on the High Seas

Double Trouble on the High Seas.


Troublemaker Zack Martin and his sensitive twin, Cody, are packing up their suite at the Tipton Hotel and heading for the high seas this fall on a cruise ship. The Suite Life of Zack & Cody is spinning off into The Suite Life on Deck. With this crew, someone’s bound to go overboard. Current Events caught up with the Disney show’s stars, twins Dylan (Zack) and Cole (Cody) Sprouse. The 16-year-old brothers have been making Top Teen Idol lists across the Internet lately, and it turns out, they’re a lot like their characters.

CE: It seems like you’re always together. Do you ever have time to do your own things?
Dylan: We’re like best friends. Usually we enjoy the same things, so it’s fun. We surf and we skate and we bike. We play video games.

CE: Do you always get along?
Dylan: Oh no. We fight all the time. Over everything. Normally it’s pretty stupid stuff, like who got the last scoop of ice cream or playing video games.

CE: You’re becoming quite the celebrities. Do you ever Google your names or snoop on fan sites to see what people are saying about you?
Cole: We try not to do that. One of the key things we’ve learned is if you do that, you end up feeling a lot of different emotions that aren’t good. A lot of what’s out there is hurtful. It causes pain. Your own fan sites are usually OK, but if you Google yourself, there are a lot of rumors and comments that aren’t nice.

CE: Do the fan clubs and screaming girls ever drive you crazy?
Dylan: That’s actually pretty fun. You know, it happens.

CE: You said you love comedy. Which actors do you admire?
Dylan: Will Farrell. I would love to act in a movie with him. I think he’s a very funny guy.
Cole: Jack Black.

CE: If you could play any character, who would it be?
Dylan: I’d like to play any kind, as long as we’re getting out there


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